Why I Write a Femdom Blog

I’d really like to thank femdom resources, for deciding to add me to the blogger list. I really appreciate being part of the archive of resources in their collection, and I hope readers find me helpful, or if not helpful, entertaining.

OMissPearl exists, hopefully, not just as a platform for self aggrandizement (although there’s lots of that), but also simply to be another voice. In what was very few years ago, I remember when Bitchy Jones seemed to be the only voice out there, and Dan Savage was still telling novice doms how lucky they were they could go pro, and to look to advertising for porn that spoke to us. Her brilliant bitterness was really inspirational to me.

At 27, I’m finally old enough to start speaking retrospectively, although if it comes out awkward, blame lack of experience. At least, I’ve stopped being “smart for my age”, which I’d like to think happened due to an increase in age not a drop in smart. 😛

When I started this blog, I was also inspired by trying to put my porn out there after reading Little Submissions. At the moment the rant-to-erotica ratio has somewhat pushed these projects off the radar, but I’d have to say that I really appreciate your patience.

These days, what I have is both planted firmly on the shoulders of giants, and surrounded by taller giants still. Which is a sort of odd mental image, I suppose, and makes the whole thing sound like a mosh pit our of Jack and the Beanstalk.

Anyway I’d like to thank my readers, old and new. We passes 10K visits this year about two days ago, which for me, is probably the most attention a project of mine has ever gotten in a measurable, consistent way. There’s a few projects that are in the pipeline:

1) Reviews, when I can sound a bit more positive about the creative work of others

2) More direct commentary on scene and kink stuff that needs to be talked about.

On the latter point, I’m putting a shout out for content requests. What are things that you think aren’t getting enough love in the BDSM scene? In kink outside the scene?

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4 thoughts on “Why I Write a Femdom Blog”

  1. Her brilliant bitterness was really inspirational to me.

    Me too! I still miss her blog and wish she had left the whole thing up.

    What are things that you think aren’t getting enough love in the BDSM scene?

    I’d love to see more advice for new female doms, especially about the stuff that tends to be harder for us.

    • That’s a great idea, Stabbity!

      Would you focus more on things that might be harder socially (ie being taken seriously, the fetish expectations) or physically (ie figuring out how to ‘wrestle’ and adult male down so you both have fun?) What do you wish someone had told you as a new dom? Or helped you with?

      • I was thinking more of the social side of things, but more physical advice would be helpful too.

        What I most wish someone had told me as a new dom is actually quite well summed up in Fern’s post about when your submissive says no. I spent so long thinking I must not be a real dom because I had the idea that real doms magically know exactly what to do if their submissive says no to them. It would also have been really helpful to hear earlier that you can be dominant without having the least interest in protocol, and that it’s okay not to feel like you know exactly what you’re doing at all times, and that the uberdom who makes everything look effortless now was once a clueless noob just like me.

        Looking back at my list, I’m seeing a theme here 🙂 I think what’s most important to me is hearing that it’s perfectly normal for doms to feel vulnerable.

        • That became surprisingly important to me this June. Vulnerability, no matter how you package it, it part of being able to get someone else to be able to give you what you want better than you can do it.


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