Belated Easter Beatings!

A pen ink cartoon of a bondage bunny
I think he just realized where I hid the egg…

Covid19 happened over the course of a period that took out Silver’s Birthday and killed any possible chance of seeing him over the Easter long weekend. What was supposed to be a femdom romp about his apartment became yearning over webcam.

I had hoped to hide his orgasm in the form of an egg and bind him up in an adorable bunny costume, but that was not to be. And thus, an illustration.

(Yes I know my art is bad! I bought an anatomy book for my birthday, jeeze!)

Holiday Special 2014: Day 12

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love brought to me…

femdom christmas with kitties

…twelve Mince Pies…

Eleven minutes edging.
Ten fingers groping.
Nine kisses sweetly.
Eight cheeks a glowing.
Seven well placed spanks.
Six things for beating.
Five well stuffed stockings.
Four toasty biscuits.
Three kitty girls.
Two Screens for poking.
And a Warm Cup Of Orange Pekoe Tea!