Deranged Emails (Jeremy)

Usually I only get spam through the contact form for this blog. However, I must be doing something right- look at the crazy person who just sent me some fanmail!

Your hypocricy

Alas, spelling is the first thing to go when the neurons start to fry.

Being a jerk and sexism are discouraged. You right stories about arrogant, pervert SEXIST scum, you have tabs highlighting male suffering and feminism and you say sexism is discouraged. How would you define sexism if not through your sick, hypocritical garbage?Submitting not for you?

Come again? Yeah, I don’t really get any emotional fulfillment from subverting myself that way. I’m a masochist but a terrible sub. What’s that got to do with sexism?

In other words, your just a typical worthless reject fuckbag wind and piss who is about as useful as a cunt on a nun.

Because the only value of a woman’s genitals is their utility as a source of sexual enjoyment to others? Okay…

Pity YOUR junk isn’t locked up, although I suspect nature gave you the best chastity device when it gave you your face. Just be glad when nature gave you a face like a dogs backside, it gave you the substance that comes out of one for a brain.

Well then, clearly this guy doesn’t like porn stories and me being supportive to a friend who is sad his $600 chastity device broke. Apparently the only purpose women have, to him, is submission or sexual gratification. I’m pretty sure he enjoys neither in real life, but hope spring eternal on his part, I guess. Also, is he trying to neg me?

No tolerance of Male led D/s at all, or are you one of those feminist pigs who try to portryay Male led, M/f/ D/s reationships as DV? That’s domestic violence in case you’re too stupid to know.

So this person really, really doesn’t like femdoms, or maybe they don’t like people who aren’t switches. Or they simply can’t understand the difference between a sexual preference. Typically speaking “feminism” is like a dog whistle for a particular brand of fighty idiot who rapidly turns vile and violent, usually in a way that makes feminism inherently self justifying.

Sadly, the guy who calls himself “Jeremy” doesn’t limit himself to just me. Alas, femdoms across the interwebs are finding his bags of flaming shit in their in boxes, apparently mostly via twitter. Thus discovered by Goddess Olivia and last year, Girls Rule, Subs Drool.

Same modus operandi- screeches of “It’s not FAIR!” with a string of incoherent insults. Same email address with a generic name. Guess the group home lets them have access to computers to keep them integrated into society?

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2 thoughts on “Deranged Emails (Jeremy)”

  1. what really makes stuff like this enjoyable, is reading it while imagining how my 7th grade English teacher would critique it for form, content and clarity. (To this day, all credit for my knowing how to write a coherent sentence goes to her and my 9th grade teacher. Oy, have their lessons stayed with me!)

    “Before presenting evidence of Miss Pearl’s sexism, you have to define what sexism is. Without that definition, your premise is meaningless.”

    “Jeremy, I’m disappointed in you. You cannot, logical insist that Miss Pearl is sexist for enjoying male submission AND sexist for not wishing t osubmit herself. You have established no difference between male and female submission aside from your personal dislike of male submission. Go rewrite this paragraph and come back when you have some supporting evidence.”

    “First, including a sexist, personal attack in an essay claiming to demonstrate the sexism of a popular writer is at the least, hypocritical. Additionally, your conclusion belongs at the end of the essay. Please rewrite for proper essay styling, evidence based conclusions and general decency.”

    “Remove this paragraph entirely. It in no way supports your conclusion, and if this is the way you think it is appropriate to address anyway, you need to have a long talk with the principal and the school counsellor.”

    “Jeremy, I’m getting tired of repeating myself. You have provided absolutely no evidence of Miss Pearl’s attitude towards M/f aside from the fact that she is not submissive. Further, you are straying from your premise.”



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